Football & Cheer: Volunteer Handbook

Things to know before volunteering


Thank you for being part of our SRV T-Birds community and for supporting your child’s participation in youth football and cheer. This Volunteer Handbook is designed to provide important information for parents who volunteer throughout the T-Birds season. Specifically, it focuses on volunteer responsibilities, how we operate, and things to expect as a first-time volunteer.

T-Birds is a non-profit organization and is run by parent volunteers. All board positions are volunteer and do not receive any compensation.

Volunteer Policy


The T-Birds organization runs on volunteers. From our Coaches to our Board Members to our Team Parents, T-Birds is an entirely volunteer-led organization. Every T-Bird volunteer has family, work, and life commitments but dedicate their time to develop young athletes into impactful community members.

Each season, we require that all families contribute a minimum of 12 hours of volunteer time. A $600 volunteer check deposit is required during T-Birds day in July. This check will not be cashed unless a family's volunteer hours are not completed by the end of the season.

Volunteer time tracking

In 2025, T-Birds will use the Point App, a centralized volunteer time tracking system for all hours. Upon registration, you will need to join the T-Birds Point App team, which will allow you to sign up for volunteer hours throughout the season. The Point App allows families to track their time and available opportunities throughout the season.

During this year's registration, T-Bird families will have a choice to opt-out of volunteer hours and have T-Birds immediately cash their $600 volunteer deposit. Doing so reduces volunteer recruiting time and allows T-Birds to proactively find volunteers who can serve in their place.

Volunteer Code of Conduct

  • Commitment: Commit to the T-Birds program and support each other in maintaining a high standard of effort and attendance.
  • Community: Work together to create a positive and inclusive environment for all families.
  • Leave better than found: We aim to leave the Monte Vista stadium and our peer EBYFC team stadiums in a better state than we found them.
  • Punctuality: Be on time for your shift. You are responsible for fulfilling the hours you sign up for.

Volunteer Requirements

Our league relies on the involvement of parents to create a successful experience for our athletes and fans. We require each family to complete at least 12 hours of volunteer service hours. We have over 140 hours of volunteer work for every home game day at MVHS to be filled by YOU! T-Bird families can and should volunteer for any game or time slot available to fulfill volunteer hours.

Volunteer Check Deposit: The deposit check submitted at T-Bird day will be held until the end of the year. If you do not complete your requirement volunteer hours your check will be cashed. The T-Birds Weekly Newsletter will provide the Sign Up link for each week’s games to sign up and volunteer for. Here are ways you can fill those hours.  

Game Day Volunteers: This is our biggest NEED! We have over 140 hours of work for every home game at MVHS that need to be filled by parents.

Volunteer Roles (Game Day)

Most Volunteer Game Day Roles are 2-hour time shifts with the exception of the Officer of the Day, which is a 5-hour shift. Each 2-hour shift will typically have a morning, mid-morning, afternoon, and late afternoon time slots to mirror the day's game schedule.


  • Field Setup: Set up field markers, tent, tables, and water. Help a T-Birds Board member to get the field ready for first game of the day.
  • Merchandise Setup: Manage spirit wear setup and restocking from storage. This includes setting up the T-Bird shirts, hats, pants, and accessories in an organized presentation to ready them for sale.
  • Snack Bar Setup: Put out snacks in an organized presentation and set up Mobile Kiosk to take purchases.


  • Officer of the Day: End-to-end point of contact for all T-Bird volunteer roles. This role helps with miscellaneous tasks as they arise and coordinates with all other volunteer roles. Note: This five-hour role is split into two parts, one five-hour block for a morning shift, one five-hour block for the afternoon shift.
  • Locker Room Monitor: Monitor Monte Vista locker room as players, coaches, and opposing teams go in and out. Bring a book to read, you will be stationary for this role.
  • Snack Bar Sales: Manage snack bar sales and restocking from storage.
  • Merchandise Sales: Manage spirit wear sales and restocking from storage.

Game (Field)

  • Chain Gang: No experience required. You will be on the sideline following the referee's command with the Down & Distance markers.

Game (Booth)

  • Booth Score and Time Keeper: No experience needed. Please arrive early to learn how to keep score and manage the game clock.
  • Booth Game Spotter: No experience needed. You will be provided binoculars to spot which T-Bird and opposing player were in on the big play. You'll then relay this to the Game Announcer sitting next to you. i.e., "T-Birds #17 in on the tackle of Opposing team's #28."
  • Booth Game Announcer: Bring your best John Madden analysis and broadcast voice. No experience needed, this is youth football. Just bring your energy to narrate the game action and make it fun for the kids.


  • Field Teardown: Cleaning up Monte Vista after the conclusion of the last home game. This includes neatly packing up field markers into the equipment shed, cleaning the bleachers, packing tents, and disposing of any remaining trash.
  • Merchandise Teardown: Pack away merchandise in coordination with T-Birds Board member. This includes sorting and packing each Spirit Wear item by category to make it organized for the next volunteer.
  • Snack Bar Teardown: Pack away snacks in coordination with T-Birds Board member. This includes sorting and packing each Snack item by category to make it organized for the next volunteer.

Volunteer Roles (Season)

As mentioned above, T-Birds offers a set of Season Volunteer roles which cover a T-Bird Family's entire Volunteer commitment. The below roles are pre-approved with the T-Bird Board. If you are interested in these positions, please indicate during your athlete's Registration or email us.

  • Coach: We have a high bar for all T-Bird Coaches as this is the most time-intensive and commitment-focused role with our young athletes. Coaches are selected by the T-Bird Board prior to the season, usually during the Spring (April/May) months. For Head Coaches, we require that they have at least one year experience as a T-Bird Assistant Coach in a prior season and be in good standing with the organization.
  • Minimum Play Monitors (MPR): Different from previous seasons, the MPR sideline roles are now season-level positions. This is due to the importance with play tracking consistency for Coaches throughout the season. MPR will be either on the T-Birds sideline (spotting the opposing team's MPR counter) or the opposing team's sideline (counting their plays).
  • Team Parent: Supports the athlete's Coach and team throughout the entire season. This includes, but is not limited to: planning practice and game snacks, coordinating film nights, securing game day volunteers (most important to play game roles), and planning end-of-year team parties.
  • Game Videographer: This is role films every play from each team game. Once signed up, you will work with your team's Coach to upload the video to a shared drive for team use during film sessions.
  • Water Person: This role handles all water jug and bottle filling and refilling through the game. This person serves water to the team during game breaks and timeouts.

If a Season Volunteer role is not listed above and or is verbally agreed upon with your team's Coach, it must be approved by the T-Bird Board prior to the start of the season. Rule of thumb: If it is not approved with the T-Birds Board, do not assume that is tracked in our Point App system. Assume that the role will not count for volunteer hours until it's formally approved and tracked.

How to sign up and track your volunteer time

As mentioned, T-Birds will use the Point App system to track volunteer hours for our upcoming season. You must be registered with our T-Birds organization on Point prior to the start of the season.

Once registered with Point, you can sign up for Volunteer Hours on our Volunteer Sign-up page. Within the Point website, every T-Bird family will be able to see their completed Volunteer Hours throughout the season. We understand that life happens that prevent you from completing a particular volunteer shift. It is your responsibility to find a replacement when those situations happen. If you are a 'no show' for your volunteer hours and or do not sign in on-site during game day, your hours will not be counted.

As a T-Bird family, it is your responsibility to check and verify your T-Bird hours are recorded after every game.

How can I stay informed about upcoming events or schedule changes?

The weekly Newsletter will have general information about schedules and upcoming events. Please go to the website to enroll if you are not getting these newsletters. To obtain team related information please check your team’s communication App regularly, Coaches will also sometimes provide updates at practices and the “Team Parent” will help relay the message via the team App. 

Thank you again for being a vital part of the San Ramon Valley Football & Cheer community. Your involvement is what makes our league successful, and we look forward to an exciting season ahead! If you have any further questions or concerns, don’t hesitate to reach out to a coach or the league’s leadership team.

Let’s have a great season!

T-Birds Board